How to Show Appreciation to your Customers (Audio)

Episode #4 – Holly Gunn, Marketing Manager at 3coast, discusses the importance of showing existing clients that they are valued and appreciated. She also shares how 3coast shows their client appreciation through direct mail, social media and free giveaways. [ca_audio url_mp3="//" url_ogg="//" css_class="codeart-google-mp3-player" autoplay="false" download="false" html5="false"]

Our Story (Audio)

Episode #1 - Holly Gunn, marketing manager at 3coast, introduces the history of the company and talks about what makes it different from other staffing firms and IT service providers. She also discuss future trends for the technology, small business and staffing industries. [ca_audio url_mp3="//" url_ogg="//" css_class="codeart-google-mp3-player" autoplay="false" download="false" html5="false"]

Contractor or Employee? Misclassification is a Risk You Cannot Afford.

Some companies might attempt to cut employee costs by using long-term independent contractors without considering the potential ramifications related to the misclassification of an employee. Misclassification has serious implications and penalties from the IRS and will ultimately cost your bottom line. Consider payrolling your contractors through a third-party payroll service ...

Creating the Winning Resume

No matter what the ads say, using a print shop’s resume service is not the fastest path to the next best job. With resume fraud running rampant, employers are becoming more savvy about the most frequent fraudulent claims on resumes. Most companies perform background and substance abuse checks, and sometimes ...